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Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Help
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z 


ABS math function, about, entry
access control lists, entry
about, entry
designing for, entry
using objects to enhance, entry
accessing favorites list, entry
ACOS math function, about, entry
acting for other users, entry, entry
action link menus
about, entry
adding to dashboard pages, entry, entry
editing on dashboard pages, entry
action links, entry
about, entry
adding to dashboard pages, entry, entry
editing on dashboard pages, entry
action parameters, entry
about, entry
about adding, entry
about conditionally enabling, entry
about inline, entry
about named, entry
about running, entry
adding to agents, entry
adding to analyses, entry
adding to dashboard pages, entry, entry, entry
adding to initiatives and objectives, entry
adding to KPIs, entry
and displaying information to users, entry
and parameters, entry
creating from existing actions, entry
creating named, entry
editing named, entry
editing on agents, entry
editing on analyses, entry
editing on dashboard pages, entry
editing on initiatives and objectives, entry
editing on KPIs, entry
executing named, entry
running in dashboards, entry
saving inline to the catalog, entry, entry
specifying settings for, entry
types, entry
upgrading from previous releases, entry
actual and target values
changing, entry, entry
a list of briefing books to dashboard pages, entry
actions to agents, entry
actions to analyses, entry
actions to dashboard pages, entry, entry, entry
actions to initiatives and objectives, entry
actions to KPIs, entry
content to briefing books, entry
content to dashboards, entry
dashboard prompts to dashboards and dashboard pages, entry, entry
favorites to list, entry
groups to analyses, entry
new pages to dashboards, entry
Oracle BI Publisher reports to dashboard pages, entry
prompts to analyses, entry
scorecard objects to dashboards, entry
views to results of analyses, entry
Agent editor, entry
agent subscriptions, customizing, entry
about, entry
accessing and managing alerts, entry
adding actions, entry
and alerts, entry
and devices and delivery profiles, entry, entry
and displaying a list of subscriptions, entry
and how they work, entry
controlling access to, entry
creating, entry
creating from analyses, entry
creating from KPIs, entry
customizing subscriptions to, entry
editing actions, entry
saving, entry
subscribing to, entry
unsubscibing from, entry
using conditions in, entry, entry
using customization in, entry
using to deliver briefing books, entry
viewing summaries, entry
agents,' schedules, disabling and enabling, entry
AGGREGATE AT aggregate function, about, entry
aggregate functions
about, entry, entry, entry
AVG, entry
BOTTOMN, entry
COUNT, entry
COUNT (*), entry
MAX, entry
MEDIAN, entry
MIN, entry
NTILE, entry
RANK, entry
STDDEV, entry
SUM, entry
TOPN, entry
AGO time series function, about, entry
about, entry
accessing and managing, entry
subscribing to RSS Feed, entry
about, entry
adding actions, entry
adding groups, entry
adding prompts, entry
and logical SQL statements, entry
and no data results, entry
applying named filters to, entry
creating, entry
creating agents from, entry
creating using BI Composer, entry, entry
displaying the results, entry
editing, entry
editing actions, entry
editing using BI Composer, entry, entry
embedding in dashboards, entry
formatting columns, entry
generating from KPIs, entry
modifying data in table views, entry
process for constructing, entry
saving, entry
specifying the criteria, entry
using as filters, entry
viewing using BI Composer, entry
Analysis editor, entry
conditional formatting, entry
saved customizations, entry
applying formats to layers, entry
about, entry
objects, entry
ASCII string function, about, entry
ASIN math function, about, entry
assessment mappings, entry, entry, entry
ownership of objects, entry
permissions, entry
weights in scorecards, entry
ATAN math function, about, entry
ATAN2 math function, about, entry
attribute columns, entry
auto-complete for prompts, entry
availability of BI Composer, entry
AVG aggregate function, about, entry
AVGDISTINCT aggregate function, about, entry


Balanced Scorecard, entry
basic search
about, entry
Between SQL logical operator, about, entry
BI Composer
about, entry
availability, entry
creating analyses, entry, entry
editing analyses, entry, entry
installing and configuring, entry
viewing analyses, entry
BIT_LENGTH string function, about, entry
bookmark links, entry
BOTTOMN aggregate function, about, entry
about, entry
briefing books
about, entry
adding a list of to dashboard pages, entry
adding content to, entry
downloading, entry
editing, entry
using agents to deliver, entry
business owners, entry, entry


calculated items
about, entry
creating, entry
editing, entry
nesting, entry
calculation scripts
for target settings, entry
calendar date/time functions
about, entry
DAYNAME, entry
HOUR, entry
MINUTE, entry
MONTH, entry
NOW, entry
SECOND, entry
YEAR, entry
CASE (If) conditional expression, about, entry
CASE (Switch) conditional expression, about, entry
CAST conversion function, about, entry
See Oracle BI Presentation Catalog
cause & effect maps
about, entry
creating, entry
opening, entry
CEILING math function, about, entry
certification, entry
dashboard properties, entry
properties of objects, entry
changing target values, entry, entry
channels, entry
CHAR string function, about, entry
CHAR_LENGTH string function, about, entry
character literals, about, entry
customizations, entry
sorts, entry
code columns, entry
column filters
combining and grouping, entry
creating, entry
creating and editing SQL statements, entry
editing, entry
column formulas, entry
column prompts
about, entry
and selection steps, entry
creating, entry
column selector views, editing, entry
about, entry
adding and rearranging in views, entry
and visual indications, entry
and write back, entry
code, entry
combining using the Set operation, entry
display, entry
double, entry
drilling in, entry
editing the formula, entry
formatting, entry
renamed columns and dashboard prompts, entry
types of, entry
comments, entry, entry
components of map views, entry
compound layouts, entry
CONCAT string function, about, entry
conditional expressions
about, entry
CASE (If), about and syntax, entry
CASE (Switch), about and syntax, entry, entry
conditional formatting, entry
conditionally enabling actions, entry
about, entry
about inline, entry
about named, entry
creating named, entry
editing named, entry
elements of, entry
specifying settings, entry
using, entry
using in agents, entry, entry
using in dashboard pages, entry, entry, entry, entry
configuring drilling, entry
contacting business owners, entry, entry
adding to briefing books, entry
adding to dashboards, entry
contribution wheel diagrams, entry
conversion functions
about, entry
CAST, entry
IFNULL, entry
VALUEOF, entry
copying results, entry
COS math function, about, entry
cosmetic formatting, entry
COT math function, about, entry
COUNT aggregate function, about, entry
COUNT(*) aggregate function, about, entry
COUNTDISTINCT aggregate function, about, entry
additional compound layouts, entry
agents, entry
agents from analyses, entry
agents from KPIs, entry
analyses, entry
analyses using BI Composer, entry, entry
calculation scripts, entry
column filters, entry
column prompts, entry
currency prompts, entry
dashboard template pages, entry
dashboards, entry
image prompts, entry
KPI watchlists, entry
KPIs, entry
links to dashboard pages, entry
map views, entry
named actions, entry
named conditions, entry
new actions from existing actions, entry
scorecards, entry
selection steps, entry
variable prompts, entry
currency prompts
about, entry
creating, entry
CURRENT_DATE calendar date/time function, about, entry
CURRENT_TIME calendar date/time function, about, entry
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP calendar date/time function, about, entry
custom date and time format strings, entry
custom views
about, entry
creating, entry
opening, entry
clearing, entry
saving, entry
customize global header, entry
customizing views, entry


Dashboard builder, entry
dashboard pages
about creating links to, entry
adding a list of briefing books, entry
adding actions, entry, entry, entry
adding dashboard prompts, entry, entry
adding Oracle BI Publisher reports, entry
and saved customizations, entry
changing properties of objects, entry
creating links to, entry
deleting, entry
deleting objects, entry
displaying map views, entry
editing actions, entry
modifying data in table views, entry
publishing, entry
using conditions in, entry, entry, entry, entry
working with map views, entry
dashboard prompts
about, entry
adding dashboards and dashboard pages, entry, entry
dashboard template pages
about, entry
creating, entry
about, entry
accessing Oracle BI Publisher reports, entry
adding content, entry
adding dashboard prompts, entry, entry
adding new pages, entry
adding scorecard objects, entry
changing properties, entry
controlling the look of, entry
creating, entry
editing, entry
embedding analyses, entry
opening and using, entry
renamed columns and dashboard prompts, entry
running actions, entry
saving, entry
sorting, entry
sorting in views, entry
working with selections of, entry
database functions
about, entry
DATABASE system function, about, entry
DATE data type, changing to, entry
datetime literals, about, entry
DAY_OF_QUARTER calendar date/time function, about, entry
DAYNAME calendar date/time function, about, entry
DAYOFMONTH calendar date/time function, about, entry
DAYOFWEEK calendar date/time function, about, entry
DAYOFYEAR calendar date/time function, about, entry
decimal literal, about, entry
assessment mappings for scorecards, entry
detail views, entry
master views, entry
sections sliders, entry
DEGREES math function, about, entry
dashboard pages, entry
objects on dashboard pages, entry
scorecard objects, entry, entry
delivery profiles
about, entry
configuring, entry
designing for accessibility, entry
detail views
about, entry
defining, entry
about, entry
configuring, entry
dimensions, entry
direct database requests, entry
disabling agents,' schedules, entry
display columns, entry
map views on dashboards, entry
results of analyses, entry
double columns
about, entry
and selections steps, entry
downloading briefing books, entry
configuring, entry
effects on filters and selection steps, entry
in columns, entry
in results, entry
in views, entry
drop targets, entry


edit mode in the Scorecard editor, entry
actions added to agents, entry
actions added to analyses, entry
actions added to initiatives and objectives, entry
actions added to KPIs, entry
actions on dashboard pages, entry
analyses, entry
analyses using BI Composer, entry, entry
briefing books, entry
column filters, entry
column selector views, entry
dashboards, entry
gauges, entry
graphs, entry
KPI watchlists, entry
KPIs, entry
legend views, entry
map views, entry, entry
named actions, entry
named conditions, entry
narrative views, entry
pivot tables, entry
prompts, entry
saved customizations, entry
scorecard objects, entry
selection steps, entry
tables, entry
view selector views, entry
views, entry
elements of conditions, entry
analyses in dashboards, entry
actions conditionally, entry
agents,' schedules, entry
EVALUATE database function, about, entry
EVALUATE_AGGR database function, about, entry
EVALUATE_ANALYTIC database function, about, entry
EVALUATE_PREDICATE database function, about, entry
executing named actions, entry
EXP math function, about, entry
reports, KPIs, and analysis prompts data, entry
results, entry
expression literals
character literals, about and expressing, entry
decimal, about and expressing, entry
integers, about and expressing, entry
EXTRACTBIT math function, about, entry


about, entry
accessing favorites list, entry
adding, entry
organizing, entry
removing, entry
about, entry
and drilling, entry
applying named to analyses, entry
combining and grouping column, entry
creating and editing SQL statements, entry
using saved analyses, entry
floating point literal, about, entry
FLOOR math function, about, entry
format and layers in map views, entry
about, entry
applying conditional, entry
columns in analyses, entry
cosmetic, entry
custom date and time format strings, entry
formulas, editing, entry
FROM clause syntax, about, entry
full-text search
about, entry
Oracle Endeca Server integration, entry
Oracle Secure Enterprise Search integration, entry
results, entry
searching with, entry
functions of map views, entry
funnel graphs, types of, entry, entry


defining section sliders for, entry
editing, entry
types of, entry
generating analyses from KPIs, entry
glob syntax, entry
global header, entry
defining section sliders for, entry
editing, entry
types of, entry
zooming and scrolling, entry
GROUP BY clause
syntax, about, entry
group objects, entry
about, entry
adding to analyses, entry
creating, entry
editing, entry
nesting, entry


hidden dashboards
upgrading from previous releases, entry
hierarchical columns, entry
Home page, entry
HOUR calendar date/time function, about, entry


IFNULL conversion function, about, entry
image prompts
about, entry
creating, entry
In SQL logical operator, about, entry
about, entry
adding actions to, entry
and performance assessment, entry
creating, entry
editing actions in, entry
opening, entry
inline actions
about, entry
saving to the catalog, entry, entry
inline conditions, entry
inline objects, entry
inline prompts, entry
INSERT string function, about, entry
integers literals, about, entry
integrating with Microsoft Office, entry
Oracle Endeca Server, entry
Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, entry
interaction of prompts, entry
interactions in views, entry
Is Null SQL logical operator, about, entry


Key Performance Indicators
See KPIs
keyboard shortcuts, entry
KPI details in scorecards, entry
KPI watchlists
about, entry
creating, entry
editing, entry
opening, entry
about, entry
about adding comments, entry
about overriding statuses, entry
about usage of, entry
adding actions, entry
adding target settings, entry
and dimensions, entry
and evaluation, entry
contacting business owners, entry
creating, entry
creating an agent from, entry
editing, entry
editing actions in, entry
generating analyses from, entry
opening, entry


about, entry
and formats, entry
applying formats to, entry
LEFT string function, about, entry
legend views, editing, entry
LENGTH string function, about, entry
level-based hierarchy, entry
Like SQL logical operator, about, entry
linked views, entry
linking views, entry
bookmark, entry
creating to dashboard pages, entry
prompted, entry
favorites list, entry
literals, in SQL, entry
LOCATE string function, about, entry
LOG math function, about, entry
LOG10 math function, about, entry
logical operators, entry
logical SQL statements, entry
Logical SQL, about, entry
LOWER string function, about, entry


Maintenance Mode, entry
map views
about layers, entry
and applying formats to layers, entry
components of, entry
creating, entry
editing, entry
editing and displaying on dashboard pages, entry
formats and layers in, entry
functions of, entry
terms used in, entry
working with on dashboard pages, entry
master detail linking, entry
master views
about, entry
defining, entry
master-detail linking
about, entry
channels, entry
detail views, entry, entry
how it works, entry
master views, entry, entry
math functions
about, entry
ABS, entry
ACOS, entry
ASIN, entry
ATAN, entry
ATAN2, entry
CEILING, entry
COS, entry
COT, entry
DEGREES, entry
FLOOR, entry
LOG, entry
LOG10, entry
MOD, entry
PI, entry
POWER, entry
RADIANS, entry
RAND, entry
ROUND, entry
SIGN, entry
SIN, entry
SQRT, entry
TAN, entry
mathematical operators, about, entry
MAVG running aggregate function, about, entry
MAX aggregate function, about, entry
measure columns, entry
MEDIAN aggregate function, about, entry
metadata information, entry
Microsoft, integrating with, entry
MIN aggregate function, about, entry
MINUTE calendar date/time function, about, entry
mission statements
about, entry
defining, entry, entry
opening, entry
MOD math function, about, entry
for Scorecard, entry
for write back, entry
modifying target values, entry, entry
modifying the layout of data in views, entry
MONTH calendar date/time function, about, entry
MONTH_OF_QUARTER calendar date/time function, about, entry
MONTHNAME calendar date/time function, about, entry
MSUM running aggregate function, about, entry


named actions
about, entry
creating, entry
creating from existing actions, entry
editing, entry
executing, entry
named conditions
about, entry
creating, entry
editing, entry
named filters, applying to analyses, entry
named objects, entry
narrative views, editing, entry
NATURAL_JOIN keyword, using in SELECT_PHYSICAL statements, entry
navigating Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, entry
navigating with breadcrumbs, entry
nesting groups and calculated items, entry
no data results, entry
NOW calendar date/time function, about, entry
NTILE aggregate function, about, entry
numeric literals, about, entry


about, entry
adding actions to, entry
and performance assessment, entry
creating, entry
editing actions in, entry
opening, entry
accessing properties of, entry
archiving, entry
assigning ownership to, entry
assigning permissions to, entry
basic search, entry
changing properties of, entry
deleting from dashboard pages, entry
full-text search, entry
inline, entry
named, entry
ownership of, entry
saving, entry
taking ownership of, entry
tasks for, entry
using to enhance accessibility, entry
OCTET_LENGTH string function, about, entry
dashboards, entry
scorecard objects, entry
operators, in SQL, entry
Oracle BI Enterprise Edition
and other products, entry
getting Help, entry
global header, entry
Home page, entry
introduction to, entry
navigating, entry
setting preferences for, entry
signing in, entry
signing out, entry
system requirements and certification, entry
Oracle BI Presentation Catalog
about, entry
basic search, entry
full-text search, entry
Oracle BI Publisher reports
accessing in dashboards, entry
adding to dashboard pages, entry
Oracle Endeca Server integration, entry
Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management
about, entry
troubleshooting, entry
Oracle Secure Enterprise Search integration, entry
ORDER BY clause syntax, entry
organizing favorites, entry
overriding statuses, entry, entry, entry
ownership of objects, entry, entry, entry


parent-child hierarchy, entry
PERCENTILE aggregate function, about, entry
performance assessment of initiatives and objectives, entry
performance tile, entry
PERIODROLLING time series function, about, entry
about, entry
and access control lists, entry
and object assignments, entry
assigning, entry
availability by object type, entry
definitions, entry
recommendations for setting, entry
about, entry
creating, entry
PI math function, about, entry
pinned dimension values, entry
pivot tables, editing, entry
point of view area, entry
point of view controls, entry
POSITION string function, about, entry
POWER math function, about, entry
preferences, setting for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, entry
presentation variables, entry, entry
previewing views, entry
print options for views, entry
options, entry
views, entry
process for write back, entry
prompted links, entry
about column, entry
about dashboard, entry
about inline, entry
adding dashboard prompts to dashboards and dashboard pages, entry, entry
adding to analyses, entry
and selections steps, entry
and the order applied, entry
auto-complete, entry
creating column prompt, entry
creating currency prompts, entry
creating image prompt, entry
creating variable prompts, entry
dashboard prompts and renamed columns, entry
editing, entry
interaction of, entry
types of, entry
types of user input options, entry
upgrading from previous releases, entry
accessing object, entry
changing dashboard, entry
changing object, entry
publishing dashboard pages, entry


QUARTER_OF_YEAR calendar date/time function, about, entry


RADIANS math function, about, entry
ragged hierarchy, entry
RAND math function, about, entry
RANDFROMSEED math function, about, entry
RANK aggregate function, about, entry
RCOUNT running aggregate function, about, entry
rearranging views, entry
referencing variables, entry
refreshing the results in views, entry
views, entry
removing favorites, entry
REPEAT string function, about, entry
REPLACE string function, about, entry
repository variables, entry
adding views to, entry
drilling in, entry
exporting and copying, entry
refreshing in views, entry
results of analyses, entry, entry
RIGHT string function, about, entry
RMAX running aggregate function, about, entry
RMIN running aggregate function, about, entry
ROUND math function, about, entry
RSS Feed, entry
RSUM running aggregate function, about, entry
running actions in dashboards, entry
running aggregate functions
about, entry
MAVG, entry
MSUM, entry
RCOUNT, entry
RMAX, entry
RMIN, entry
RSUM, entry


saved customizations
about, entry
applying, entry
editing, entry
agents, entry
analyses, entry
customizations, entry
dashboards, entry
inline actions to the catalog, entry, entry
objects, entry
objects as inline or named, entry
selection steps as a group object, entry
views, entry
Scorecard editor
about, entry
edit and view modes, entry
scorecard objects
about, entry
adding to dashboards, entry
contacting business owners of, entry
deleting, entry, entry
editing, entry
about creating, entry
and assessment mappings, entry, entry
and assigning weights, entry
and comments, entry, entry
and overriding statuses, entry, entry
creating, entry
defining assessment mappings, entry
scrolling in graphs, entry
about, entry
glob syntax, entry
results of full-text search, entry
the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog, entry
SECOND calendar date/time function, about, entry
section sliders, entry, entry
security, entry
SELECT statement
about and basic syntax, entry
conditional expressions, entry
GROUP BY clause syntax, entry
mathematical operators, entry
ORDER BY clause syntax, entry
select list syntax, entry
SQL logical operators, entry
subquery support, entry
usage notes, entry
WHERE clause syntax, entry
about and basic syntax, entry
aggregate functions not supported in, entry
queries supported by, entry
usage notes, entry
using the NATURAL_JOIN keyword, entry
selection steps
about, entry
and column prompts, entry
and drilling, entry
editing, entry
saving as a group object, entry
selections of data, working with, entry
selections steps
and double columns, entry
creating, entry
session variables, entry
Set operation for columns, entry
setting preferences for Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, entry
shortcuts, keyboard, entry
SIGN math function, about, entry
signing in to Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, entry
signing out of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, entry
SIN math function, about, entry
skip-level hierarchy, entry
smart watchlists
about, entry
creating, entry
clearing, entry
data in views, entry
values, entry
sorting data, entry
SPACE string function, about, entry
SQL functions
aggregate functions, about, entry
calendar date/time functions, about, entry
conversion functions, about, entry
database functions, about, entry
expressing literals, entry
math functions, about, entry
running aggregate functions, about, entry
string functions, about, entry
system functions, about, entry
time series functions, about, entry
SQL operators, entry
SQL statements, entry
SQL syntax and semantics
conditional expressions, entry
FROM clause syntax, about, entry
GROUP BY clause syntax, about, entry
including and setting variables, entry
ORDER BY clause syntax, about, entry
Select list syntax, entry
Select statement, about and basic syntax, entry
Select usage notes, entry, entry
SQL logical operators, entry, entry
WHERE clause syntax, about, entry
SQRT math function, about, entry
status overrides, entry, entry, entry
STDDEV aggregate function, about, entry
STDDEV_POP aggregate function, about, entry
strategy maps
about, entry
creating, entry
opening, entry
strategy tree diagrams, entry
strategy trees
about, entry
creating, entry
opening, entry
string functions
about, entry
ASCII, entry
CHAR, entry
CONCAT, entry
EXP, entry
INSERT, entry
LEFT, entry
LENGTH, entry
LOCATE, entry
LOWER, entry
REPEAT, entry
REPLACE, entry
RIGHT, entry
SPACE, entry
UPPER, entry
subject areas, entry
customizing agent, entry
to agents, entry
SUBSTRING string function, about, entry
SUM aggregate function, about, entry
SUMDISTINCT aggregate function, about, entry
syntax for referencing variables, entry
system functions
about, entry
USER, entry
system requirements, entry


table views, modifying data, entry
and write back, entry
editing, entry
taking ownership of objects, entry
TAN math function, about, entry
target settings
adding to KPIs, entry
target values
changing, entry, entry
tasks for objects, entry
time series functions
about, entry
AGO, entry
TODATE, entry
TIMESTAMPADD calendar date/time function, about, entry
TIMESTAMPDIFF calendar date/time function, about, entry
TO_DATETIME conversion function, about, entry
TODATE time series function, about, entry
TOPN aggregate function, about, entry
TRIMBOTH string function, about, entry
TRIMLEADING string function, about, entry
TRIMTRAILING string function, about, entry
troubleshooting Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management, entry
TRUNCATE math function, about, entry
of actions, entry
of funnel graphs, entry, entry
of gauges, entry
of graphs, entry
of prompts, entry
of user input options for prompts, entry
of views, entry


unsubscribing from agents, entry
actions from previous releases, entry
hidden dashboards from previous releases, entry
prompts from previous releases, entry
UPPER string function, about, entry
USER system function, about, entry
acting for, entry
interacting with target settings, entry
users, acting for, entry
using dashboards, entry


VALUEOF conversion function, about, entry
variable prompts
about, entry
creating, entry
about, entry
including and setting in SQL, entry
presentation, entry, entry
referencing, entry
repository, entry
session, entry
syntax for referencing, entry
view mode in the Scorecard editor, entry
view selector views, editing, entry
analyses using BI Composer, entry
metadata information, entry
summaries of agent settings, entry
about, entry
adding and rearranging columns in, entry
adding to results of analyses, entry
and drop targets, entry
and master-detail linking, entry
customizing, entry
detail, entry, entry
drilling in, entry
editing, entry
editing column selector, entry
editing gauge, entry
editing graph, entry
editing legend, entry
editing map, entry
editing narrative, entry
editing table and pivot table, entry
editing view selector, entry
interactions in, entry
linking in master-detail relationships, entry
master, entry, entry
modes for write back, entry
modifying the layout of data, entry
opening, entry
previewing, entry
printing, entry
rearranging, entry
refreshing the results in, entry
saving, entry
setting properties for view bodies and drop targets, entry
sorting data in, entry
types of, entry
working with linked, entry
views, removing, entry
vision statements
about, entry
defining, entry
opening, entry


about, entry
KPI, entry
smart, entry
WEEK_OF_QUARTER calendar date/time function, about, entry
WEEK_OF_YEAR calendar date/time function, about, entry
weights, assigning in scorecards, entry
WHERE clause syntax, about, entry
write back
adding to columns, entry
adding to table views, entry
modes in views, entry
performing, entry
process for, entry


YEAR calendar date/time function, about, entry


zooming in graphs, entry