The look-and-feel of a dashboard is highly customizable and controlled by skins and styles.
Skins — Skins define the visible graphic features and control the way that the Oracle BI EE user interface is displayed, such as background colors, corporate logos, and style sheets. Skins can be automatically assigned to users when they log on. Administrators can customize the default skin and create new skins.
Styles — Styles control the appearance of a dashboard and its various views. In other words styles control how the results are formatted for display, such as the color of text and links, the font and size of text, the borders in tables, and the colors and attributes of graphs.
Styles and skins are organized into folders that contain Cascading Style Sheets (files with a .css extension). Cascading style sheets provide control over any object within Oracle Business Intelligence. Administrators can customize style sheets and create new style sheets. You can override some elements in style sheets, such as table borders and text size, when you format results in the Results tab.
You can specify a style for a particular dashboard on the "Dashboard Properties dialog" in the General Properties area using the Styles list.
Cosmetic formatting — Cosmetic formatting affects the visual appearance of data in columns and hierarchy levels, views, and columns and sections on dashboard pages. For more information, see "What is Cosmetic Formatting?" and "Applying Formatting to Dashboard Pages."