Use the following procedure to create a selection step with a column prompt override. You can override a selection step with either a dashboard or an analysis prompt. For example, you can specify that the Products.Brand selection step be overridden with a column prompt specifying the BizTech and FunPod members.
The following list provides examples of overriding selection steps with prompts when the user selects groups or column members:
One or more groups, such as My Regions and My Cities, can override a selection step only of the Add type.
One or more members, such as Central and Eastern, can override a selection step of any type.
One or more groups and one or more members, such as My Regions and Central, can override a selection step of any type. However, groups are ignored and members are supported.
For more information about using a column prompt to override a selection step, see the following topics:
To create or edit a column prompt to override a selection step:
In the analysis in which you want to create or edit a column prompt to override a selection step, navigate to the Selection Steps pane and specify the selection steps.
For information about specifying selection steps, see "Working with Selections of Data."
Determine which selection step you want to override with a column prompt and click its Edit button. The Edit Member Step dialog is displayed.
Select the Override with box and then select Prompt.
Click OK and save the analysis.
If needed, create either a named or inline prompt. For information, see "Creating a Column Prompt."