Use this pane to identify the following:
For a KPI listed in the "Strategy pane," objectives and KPIs that cause or effect the KPI.
For a KPI listed in the "Initiatives pane," initiatives and KPIs that cause or effect the KPI.
For an objective, other objectives and KPIs that cause or effect the objective, and initiatives that drive the objective.
For an initiative, the objectives that are driven by the initiative.
For more information, see:
This pane is part of the "Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab," the "Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab," and the "Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab."
This table is available only in the Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab and the Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab.
Displays the following:
For a KPI listed in the "Strategy pane," displays the objectives and KPIs that cause the KPI.
For a KPI listed in the "Initiatives pane," initiatives and KPIs that cause the KPI.
For an objective, other objectives and KPIs that cause the objective.
Use this table to view and manage the causes:
To add an objective, initiative, or KPI, drag it from the Strategy pane or the Initiatives pane and drop it in the table. The "Causal Linkage dialog" is displayed, where you specify the strength of the cause and effect relationship and how the values of the added object impact or support the values of the object you are defining.
To edit a causal linkage, select it in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the Causal Linkage dialog.
To delete a causal linkage, select it in the list and click the Delete Row button.
This table is available only in the Scorecard editor: KPI Details tab and the Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab.
Displays the following:
For a KPI listed in the Strategy pane, displays the objectives and KPIs that effect the KPI.
For a KPI listed in the Initiatives pane, initiatives and KPIs that effect the KPI.
For an objective, other objectives and KPIs that effect the objective.
Use this table to view and manage the effects:
To add an objective, initiative, or KPI, drag it from the Strategy pane or Initiatives pane and drop it in the table. The Causal Linkage dialog is displayed, where you specify the strength of the cause and effect relationship and how the values of the added object impact or support the values of the object you are defining.
To edit a causal linkage, select it in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the Causal Linkage dialog.
To delete a causal linkage, select it in the list and click the Delete Row button.
Initiatives driving this Objective
This table is available only in the Scorecard editor: Objective Details tab.
Displays the initiatives that drive the objective.
Use this table to view and manage the initiatives:
To add an initiative, drag it from the Initiatives pane and drop it in the table. The Causal Linkage dialog is displayed, where you specify the strength of the cause and effect relationship and how the values of the added initiative impact or support the values of the objective you are defining.
To edit an initiative linkage, select it in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the Causal Linkage dialog.
To delete an initiative linkage, select it in the list and click the Delete Row button.
Objectives Driven by this Initiative
This table is available only in the Scorecard editor: Initiative Details tab.
Displays the objectives that are driven by the initiative.
Use this table to view and manage the objectives or KPIs:
To add an objective, drag it from Strategy pane and drop it in the table. The Causal Linkage dialog is displayed, where you specify the strength of the cause and effect relationship and how the values of the added objective impact or support the values of the initiative you are defining.
To edit an objective linkage, select it in the list and click the Edit Row button to display the Causal Linkage dialog.
To delete an objective linkage, select it in the list and click the Delete Row button.